What is a Life Coach?

I usually get a few different reactions when I say I’m a Life Coach:

1. The eye roll and maybe a nervous, dismissive chuckle. And then, “Is that a real thing?”.

2. I’ve never heard of that. What is a Life Coach?

3. I’ve been wondering if a Life Coach could help me. Can you tell me more?

Fundamentally, a life coach is just like any other coach. It’s a collaborative process where a coach trains you to reach your goals just like a football or tennis coach would train you.

The word unstuck is frequently used when describing life coaching. Coaches help you get unstuck in your relationships, in your career or your life in general. For me, it is really about all the “If Only” statements in our lives. If only things were different, if only people would change, if only I were popular, if only I had more friends, a better job, relationship, parent, etc. A life coach helps you stop all the “If Onlys” and create the results you desire.

Life Coach vs. Therapist?

A simple way to describe the difference is that if you can’t get out of bed and face everyday life, you should see a therapist. If you get out of bed but face every day with dread wishing everything was different, a life coach can help.

Life coaching teaches you that you get to decide how to think and feel about the experiences and relationships in your life. Thought work is about how you show up in life when it is full of things you don’t want or want to change. You use it to create more resilience and confidence, even if you don’t want to change your thoughts.

A few of the benefits:

· Awareness of your thoughts/feelings and how that creates your actions/results.

· Strategies to deal with people and situations.

· Create desired outcomes.

· Tools to develop a better relationship with yourself and others.

· Improved self-confidence.

I would love to help you discover how life coaching could benefit you.


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