Side Effect Thoughts

Thoughts are just stories we tell ourselves. Our brains are built for survival. They like to be safe, and they like to be right. So, our brain offers us stories that I like to call Side Effect Thoughts.

Have you ever seen an ad for a medication? They spend a majority of the ad hyping the benefits and then in the last 10 seconds they speed through the side effects. Or in a print ad, the side effects are in teeny tiny print that can’t possibly be read,

Our brain likes to give us Side Effect Thoughts. When we have a great idea or make a decision our brain likes to throw out all the “what if” and “you should/shouldn’t” thoughts.

And like side effects for medications, it’s interesting and something to consider, but at the end of the day you have to consider if the benefits outweigh the side effects that may not even happen.

These thoughts are tricky. They seem true and important, but they are just made-up stories. They’ll try to convince you that your idea or plan is too risky. They’ll offer evidence to stay safe. That it won’t work, or you will fail or get hurt. Or that there is no reason to change when playing it safe is working.

Remember, they aren’t true. They are just side effect thoughts. Interesting to know and part of the process, but not something that stops you in your tracks.

Sometimes the most dangerous Side Effect Thoughts aren’t even yours. Other people are happy to share their Side Effect Thoughts about your life. Friends and family are especially convinced that their Side Effect Thoughts about your circumstances or decisions are a) right and b) something you haven’t considered.

We recently moved and my brain gave me all kinds of reasons why it was risky. What I focused on was why we made our choice where we did and when we did. When my brain (or others) offered Side Effect Thoughts, I took a moment and asked myself, “Is this thought true?”. What am I making it mean? Does this thought or story prove that moving is a bad idea? Taking a pause helped me realize that we love our choice and our reasons and that we aren’t in danger. This isn’t risky.

The next time you feel these thoughts creeping in remember they are just Side Effect Thoughts trying to use “what if” or “you should/shouldn’t” evidence to keep you stuck.

What Side Effect Thoughts is your brain offering you right now about something in your life? Changing jobs? Going back to school? Dating? What if you took the chance to do something bold in spite of those thoughts? What would you accomplish or gain in your life?


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